open class AccordionTransformer : ABaseTransformer
AccordionTransformer() |
open val isPagingEnabled: Boolean
Indicates if the default animations of the view pager should be used. |
open fun onTransform(page: View, position: Float): Unit
Called each .transformPage. |
open fun hideOffscreenPages(): Boolean
If the position offset of a fragment is less than negative one or greater than one, returning true will set the fragment alpha to 0f. Otherwise fragment alpha is always defaulted to 1f. |
open fun onPostTransform(page: View, position: Float): Unit
Called each .transformPage after .onTransform. |
open fun onPreTransform(page: View, position: Float): Unit
Called each .transformPage before {.onTransform. |
open fun transformPage(page: View, position: Float): Unit
Apply a property transformation to the given page. For most use cases, this method should not be overridden. Instead use .transformPage to perform typical transformations. |